A unique guitarist, a unique program and an extraordinary venue characterize the concert, which will be the highlight of the festival week. Yamandu Costa represents the best of what Brazilian music offers today and, according to professional critics, is an artist who "seems not even to be from this planet". His playing is a confluence of virtuosity, extraordinary energy, traditional Brazilian folkloric forms and contemporary jazz influences. In the enchanting venue of the Ponton, overlooking the historic city directly from the Danube River, this will be his first performance in Slovakia.

The concert is held with the financial support of the Embassy of Brazil and under the auspices of the Guimar?es Rosa Institute in Bratislava.

TICKETS (20/15/3EUR)

Discounted SEASON TICKETS are NOT VALID for this concert.

Tickets are available for pre-sale via Ticketportal. Pre-sale ends 1 day before the concert. Additional tickets will be available for purchase 1 hour before the concert at the venue.

More information: https://www.jkmertz.com/en/koncert/yamandu-costa

The concert is part of the 48th Guitar festival of J. K. Mertz.

Organiser: Society of J. K. Mertz, Co-organiser: Bratislava Cultural and Information Centre.
Part of the Bratislava City Festival Cultural Summer 2024.

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council - Main partner of the Festival.
The event was financially supported by Visegrad Fund, Embassy of Spain in Bratislava, the Music Fund Slovakia, Social and cultural fund of SOZA, Polish Institute Bratislava, the City of Bratislava and with the support of other partners.


Yamandu COSTA (Brazil) guitar
