The scientific musicological conference is focused on music-historical research. At the same time we would like to recall the musicological oeuvre of Prof. Ľubomír Chalupka, CSc., who focused on research on twentieth-century Slovak musical culture and composition. Through this conference, we would like to highlight pieces of research in music historiography and facilitate experience exchange in this research field between various generations of music historians.
The topics of the conference are as follows: 1. General research issues and the assessment of extant music-historical sources in our contemporary, digitally interlinked world of information. 2. Notated editions of early music in Central Europe and in Slovakia and collaboration between music historians and performers of early music. 3. Currently researched topics and the future tasks of research on musical culture and musical works.

The conference takes place in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Gondova 2, 2nd floor, room no. 239. At the same time, it is possible to participate online. Participants who could not come in person and all those interested can join via the ZOOM application. The following links will help them to connect:
September 27:; Passcode: 747012
September 28:; Passcode: 912278
Participants who will be connected through the ZOOM application can listen to a simultaneous translation into English or Slovak. They can turn on listening to the translation individually in an ongoing ZOOM call.

Fringe Events:

Vocal concert Music from local church choirs of the 17th century
Moyzes Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Artistic director: Sylvia Urdová


Muzikologická katedra FiF UK
