Brilliant virtuosity performed by solo violin and double bass with an exceptional program highlight of the double concerto of the Italian master Bottesini. An evening full of romantic poetic tones and a tribute to the admired composer Eugen Suchoň (1908-1993) on the occasion of his double anniversary. Enjoy the Art Nouveau loving Storch, the gentle Dvorak, the stormy and dreamy Suchoň and the brilliant Bottesini.

Suchoň - Nocturno for Double Bass and string quintet
Suchoň - Fantasy for Violin and string quintet
Storch - Concert for Double Bass and string quintet
Dvořák - Romanze for Violin and string quintet
Bottesini - Grand Duo for Violin, Double Bass and string quintet


Filip Jaro, Double Bass
Alan Vizváry, Violin
Hilaris quintet


Komorní sólisti Johanna Matthiasa Spergera

Filip Jaro
