1988 – 1991
special attendance at the Conservatory in Žilina (Ľubomír Kudja)
1991 – 1995
Conservatory in Žilina (Ľubomír Kudja)
1995 – 2000
Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (Anna Hölblingová, Bohdan Warchal)
1993 – 1996
International interpretation courses Piešťany (Mikuláš Jelínek, Eduard Grač)
scholarship at the International interpretation courses in Suzdal, Russia (Eduard Grač)
1997 - 2000
member of the Slovak Chamber Orchestra
2000 - 2002
member of the Capella Istropolitana chamber orchestra
International interpretation courses Písek, Czech Republic (Jindřich Pazdera)
since 2003
member of the Slovak Chamber Orchestra
"The concerting profile of the young violinist, characterized by technical certainty and a wide range of expression means many-sided use in various repertoires. She has a natural inclination towards Romantic pieces where she applies her sense of lyrical cantilena and virtuosity. However, she also enjoys tonal modernism and lately has been inspired by the pieces of old masters, discovering new fields of instrumental interpretations different from playing modern instruments. She also performs contemporary composers.
The critics consider her a “classical type“ of a performer with sophisticated creation of tones, a natural feel for the construction of great thematic curves, melodies, and a wide variety of expressive means. She applies a differentiated attitude to different styles. Her interpretational nature brings together an elegant virtuosity and artistic decisiveness rooted in her previous studies and own search. She has been described as possessing “deep expression, rich imagination, dramatic performance, passion, tenderness.“ She plays an instrument made in the workshop of the Czech master Anton Eser. In her interpretation, she quite uniquely applies the interesting deep color of the instrument’s sound."
Slovník slovenského koncertného umenia II