• 1983 – 1988

    Conservatory Bratislava (Gašpar Gabriel Bogyai, Ondrej Štefanár)

  • 1989, 1990

    studies abroad: at Franz Liszt Music Academy Budapest (F. Petz) and at Private Jazz Conservatory (G. Kovacs)

  • 1985, 1986, 1987

    summer concentrations (??) Fertőd, Hungary (L.Varay)

  • since 1991

    percussionist in Slovak Philharmonic (previously played in the Opera Orchestra of Slovak National Theatre)

Peter Krbaťa, jr. is active also in other genres and different ensembles at home and abroad.

Artistic cooperation with ensembles and soloists: Slovak Sinfonietta Žilina, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bratislava Soloists, Orchestra of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Cappella Istropolitana, Quasars Ensemble, United Philharmonic Vienna, Slovak Radio Orchestra of Folk Instruments, Slovak Chamber Orchestra of Bohdan Warchal, D. Hernando Orchestra Bratislava, Military Artistic Ensemble Bratislava, Aconto group, Adriena Bartošová and Scat, Beata Dubasová, Kentaur Group and others. With mentioned ensembles and groups he attended many concerts, performances, recorded albums and movie music.
