Steinar RAKNES (NO)
skladby a piesne z albumov Stillhouse, Chasing the real things a On the road/music from albums Stillhouse, Chasing the Real Things and On the Road
Zaobraz, multimediálny projekt inšpirovaný výtvarnou tvorbou A. Salontaya/multimedia project inspired by artworks of A. Salontay
skladby a piesne z albumov Stillhouse, Chasing the real things a On the road/music from albums Stillhouse, Chasing the Real Things and On the Road
Zaobraz, multimediálny projekt inšpirovaný výtvarnou tvorbou A. Salontaya/multimedia project inspired by artworks of A. Salontay
Steinar RAKNES (NO), kontrabas, looper, elektronika/double bass, looper, electronics
Daniel SALONTAY, gitary/guitars
Other events of the festival Konvergencie 2025, medzinárodný festival komornej hudby