Te Deum in E-Flat Major

Te Deum in E-Flat Major

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Te Deum in E-Flat Major

  • Autor:

    Bella, Ján Levoslav

  • Category:


  • ISMN:


  • Published:


  • Number of pages:


  • Price incl. VAT:


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  • Stock status:

    In stock


The creation of the work can be dated to Ján Levoslav Bella's stay in Kremnica (1869 – 1881). The composition was unknown to all previous biographies of Bella; it is not mentioned by Dobroslav Orel, Konštantín Hudec, Ladislav Burlas, or Ernest Zavarský (the Te Deum mentioned by Zavarský in his work is a brief composition for male four-part harmony). The modern premiere of Bella's Te Deum took place in 2006 as part of the Epoché festival. The published score is realized in a form that corresponds to period practice and preserved parts.

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