1972 – 1978
Conservatory in Bratislava (Gustáv Večerný)
1978 – 1982
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (Saša Večtomov)
1982 - 1990
concertmaster of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
since 1990
concertmaster of the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa in Japan
"Since the beginnings of his artistic career, Ľudovít Kanta has been noted for his extraordinary technical dispositions and musicality. After graduating from the Prague Academy of Performing Arts, he became a concert master of the Slovak Philharmonic cellos and soon after also its regular solo performer. He is a general performer, with a deep understanding of the musical piece, and an ability to adapt to orchestral conditions while remaining sensitive to his chamber partner.
Since the early 1990s he has been a soloist, a concert master, and music professor in Japan and the Slovak audience only rarely gets a chance to witness his musical art at guest performances. Since 1995, he has been teaching the cello at the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts Nagoya."
Slovník slovenského koncertného umenia II