• 1965 – 1971

    Conservatory in Košice (piano)

  • 1975 – 1980

    music editor and dramaturge of music programmes in Czechoslovak TV in Bratislava (Hudobná kronika, Musica viva, Profily slovenských koncertných umelcov, the competition programme Hrajú si pre potešenie and others)

  • 1977

    graduated in musical theory at the Music Faculty of the Academy of Musical and Performing Arts (thesis: Prví absolventi kompozície na VŠMU /The First Graduates in Composition at the Academy of Musical and Performing Arts)

  • 1980 – 1990

    staff expert in the Music Department of the Institute of Art Criticism and Theatre Documentation, focusing on concert and festival activity in Slovakia

  • since 1991

    music editor and dramaturge in Slovak Radio

Professionally she has focused on radio music publicistics. For Radio Devín she has prepared concert programmes, broadcasts and recordings from music festivals in Slovakia. She has personally presented direct transmissions from subscription concerts of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Since 1995 she has been author and editor of the art-publicistic cycle Stretnutie nad partitúrou (Meeting Over A Score), on the latest work of Slovak composers; since 2004 she has scripted and edited Ars musica, a programme which invites guests to talk, including Slovak concert artists, composers, musical pedagogues, and organisers of musical events.

She has collaborated in the scripting of the musico-verbal programmes and radio features Dialógy s hudbou, Spevom k srdcu, Musica moderna, Hudba XX. storočia and Hudba pre pamätníkov.

Melánia Puškášová regularly contributes to the journals Hudobný život and Slovenská hudba. She has taken part in the preparation of entries for the publications 100 slovenských skladateľov (100 Slovak Composers) and Slovník koncertného umenia (Dictionary of Concert Art). She has several times been a member of the international jury at the Central European Festival of Concert Art in Žilina.
