The flute trio was established in 2007 from the initiative of the teacher at the Bratislava Conservatory Marta Braunsteinerová, and later it worked under the leadership of other teachers such as Hansgeoerg Schmeiser, Jan Ostrý, Christian Pouvier, Matteo Petrilli, Alia Velkaverh, Ivica Encingerová-Gábrišová, and Herve Hotier. They have attended chamber music lessons at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna with Gottfried Pokorny.

Flautissimo regularly performs in separate recitals, as well as in concerts within other cultural and social events in Slovakia and abroad (Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland).

The repertoire focus is from Renaissance until the music of 20th century with an emphasis on works of classicism and romanticism.
