Title Quantity Price per unit Total price
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1 11,62 € 11,62 €
Súborné dielo E:I, 5, Missa in Es

Digital version in NEWZIK app

1 27,50 € 27,50 €
Total price without VAT: 32,60 €
VAT: 6,52 €
Total Price incl. VAT: 39,12 €

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Your purchased titles will be permanently assigned to your account after payment, and you can view them in the Newzik app, which you can download for free on devices using iOS 12 and newer operating systems. Please note that the electronic version cannot be printed and is only accessible through the Newzik app or via the Newzik portal. We also note that the Newzik app is not available for devices with an Android operating system. Please note that the electronic version is not printable and can only be accessed via the Newzik app or the Newzik portal. Please also note that the Newzik app is not available for Android devices.

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