3rd day of the competition

On Wednesday, 18 October 2023, the 2nd round of the Category I of the 25th year of the Mikulas Schneider-Trnavsky International Singing Competition took place.
Advance to the Final:
Babiiuk Anastasiia (Ukraine)
Čierna Vanesa (Slovakia)
Jalalikandy Maryam (Iran)
Koniuch Zofia (Poland)
Krížová Nina (Slovakia)
Reháková Alžbeta (Slovakia)
Rovenská Magdalena (Czech Republic)
Čík Matúš (Slovakia)
Domarecki Daniel (Poland)
Jukić Tomislav (Croatia)
Schleifer René Antonius (Slovakia)
Domarecki Daniel (Poland)
Jukić Tomislav (Croatia)
Schleifer René Antonius (Slovakia)
Szabó Bence (Slovakia)
Congratulation to all the competitors for their beautiful performances and we keep our fingers crossed for the final round of the competition on Friday 20th October 2023!
Updated: 26. 10. 2023