Conservatory Bratislava (singing, Ida Černecká)
1975 – 1976
study in Milan's La Scala
debut in Vienna State Opera and Metropolitan Opera New York
first performance in Covent Garden in London and Bolshoi Theatre Moscow
first performance in La Scala
since 1990
children nationwide singing competition of folk songs calles Slávik Slovenska (Nightingale of Slovakia) under his auspices since 2001 the head of jury of International singing competition of Antonín Dvořák in Carlsbad
since 2006
artistic director of the Opera of State Theatre in Košice
2010 – 2012
director of the Opera of the Slovak National Theatre
director of Slovak Institute in Roma
Peter Dvorský, tenore, who has become the most wanted Slovak artists at the major opera houses of the world. He sang alongside famous opera soloists under the baton of world renowned conductors.
He performed more than sixty performances in twenty-five countries. He also gives concerts (interpretation of oratorios and vocal works). He was director of the Opera of Slovak National Theatre (from 2010, May 21st to 2012, July 31st). He is a member of international juries and lecturer of master classes at home and abroad.