• He graduated from Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University (musicology).

  • 1965 – 2002

    custodian for music instruments in the Music Division of the History Institute of the Slovak National Museum (current Music Museum of Slovak National Museum)

  • 1991 – 1994

    the head of Music Museum of Slovak National Museum

  • 1993 – 1997

    president of the Slovak Committee of ICOM

  • 2004

    The Prize of Curt Sachs awarded by the Governing Council of the American Musical Instrument Society

He specialized in traditional musical instruments and was a pioneer in the research and documentation of musical instruments in Slovakia and Slovak folk instruments. He was engaged in the typology of musical iconograms for organology investigation, in musical acoustics and music museology. He collected and founded one of the largest depositories of musical instruments in Central Europe, which was presented in the exposition of the Slovak National Museum in the years 1975 – 1985. He took study stays in Canada and India. From 1977 – 1986 he led the Competition for Manufacturers of Folk Musical Instruments on Award of Doctor Ladislav Leng in Detva. He was a member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), worked at the Commission for the musical instruments of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). He made musical and sociological research aimed to explore the musicality of the Slovak Countryside on the border of the ‘70s and ‘80s.

He created various catalogs (musical instruments, manufacturers of musical instruments, portrayals of musical instruments). The results of his research are published in the edition Slovak Folk Musical Instruments. He was a pedagogue at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, the editor of the magazine Ľudová tvorivosť (Folk Creativity). He worked in various positions in the Association of Slovak Composers, in advisory boards, committees, and editorial boards. He collaborated with radio and television.
