• 1973 – 1977

    Academy of Musical and Performing Arts (theory of music and criticism)

  • 1982

    title of PhDr. at the UK Philosophical Faculty in Bratislava, 1982 -1983 Slovak Music Fund stipendiarist

  • 1983 – 1989

    aspirant scholar at the Institute of Art Scholarship of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, dissertation Súčasná kompozičná tvorba na Slovensku (Contemporary Composers’ Work in Slovakia)

  • 1987 – 1994

    staff scholar at the Institute of Art Scholarship of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, focusing on contemporary music

  • from 1984

    pedagogue at the Academy of Musical and Performing Arts 1991-992 assistant dean, 1995-1996 assistant rector, 1994 title of dozent, second doctorate (in German) Systemtheorie der Musik

  • from 1997

    dozent at the Faculty of Musical Arts at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, 1999 degree CSc., 2000-2001 assistant dean, 2001-2008 assistant rector, 2006 inaugural lecture, 2008 appointed university professor

  • 2008

    foundation of HUAJA – BŠ, s. r. o., with the aim of running a private university, the Ján Albrecht Academy of Music and Art in Banská Štiavnica

In the field of research she has focused on contemporary Slovak and world music, modal music, music of the renaissance period, 20th century and extra-European cultures, treatment of music by quantitative methods, system theory, synergetics and the application of mathematical methods.

She is co-author of the lexicon Komponisten der Gegenwart, which has appeared since 1992 in the edition text+kritik in Munich. Since 1997 she has collaborated with the New Grove Dictionary­.

She has completed lecture and study stays abroad in Germany (Freiburg, Bamberg, Bochum, Hamburg, Dresden, Trier), England (Nottingham), Ireland (Dublin), Austria (Vienna, Reichenau, Graz, Innsbruck, Salzburg), France (Paris, Lyon), Italy (Rome, Palermo, Adria), Poland (Warsaw, Bydgoszcz), Russia (St. Petersburg), Hungary (Budapest), New Zealand (Auckland), Czech Republic (Prague, Brno), among others.

Since 1990 she has systematically developed cooperation with several academies of art abroad (Vienna’s Hochschule, later the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst; she has collaborated with experts in synergetic linguistics at the University of Bochum and Trier in Germany, the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et Danse in Paris, Lyon and Parma, and also with schools in Spain and Portugal.

Since 1991 she has regularly organised international artistic and scholarly events (seminars, conferences, symposia, courses, workshops), aimed at combining various types of art.

She is a member of the Humboldt club and scholarly society Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, a staff scholar of the team at the Universität Bochum and Trier, an expert of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation in Florence and of the International Scientific Commitee WSES (World Scientific and Engineering Society), etc.
