Božena Slančíková Timrava High School in Lučenec
Faculty of Education in Banská Bystrica (Slovak language and literature, Music Education)
1974 – 2008
Literature and Music Museum in Banská Bystrica (music specialist, leader and director)
Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava (musicology), 1986 awarded the title Master (mentored by prof. Jozef Kresánek, PhD., D.Sc.)
1994 – 1997
external pedagogue of music theory at Conservatory of Ján Levoslav Bella in Banská Bystrica
1997 – 1998
external pedagogue at the Department of Music Faculty of Humanities at University of Matej Bell in Banská Bystrica
2006 – 2007
external pedagogue at the Department of Ecomuseology of Faculty of Natural Sciences at University of Matej Bell in Banská Bystrica
awarded the title PhD., dissertation: The Relationship Between Museology and Musicology – at Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Science
pedagogue of music theory at Conservatory of Ján Levoslav Bella in Banská Bystrica
2011 – 2014
researcher at the Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Science
PhDr. Marianna Bárdiová, PhD. is a Slovak musicologist, music museologist, pedagogue and organizer of cultural events.
As a researcher she concentrated on regional musical historiography since the 19th century, specializing in the period of 1918 – 1938, military music, as well as a methodology of musical-museum work, museum pedagogy and music museology.
She actively participated in the development of musical life in Banská Bystrica. She led lectures, discussions with artists, and unconventional lessons at the museum. As an author she participated in the preparation of concepts and dramaturgy as well as organizing and moderating of seminars, symposia, conferences, concerts and other combined artistic programs. Her lectures were essentially devoted to composers connected with the Banská Bystrica region (Anton Július Hiray, Ján Egry, Ján Levoslav Bella, Viliam Figuš-Bystrý, Ján Móry, Andrej Očenáš, Ján Cikker, Tibor Andrašovan, Zdenko Mikula), or to thematic areas (Slovak National Uprising in Music, Music Life in Banská Bystrica since 19th Century, Musical and Literary Traditions of Banská Bystrica and its region, Musical Romanticism and Composers of Banská Bystrica and its region, Literary and Musical Museum in Banská Bystrica).
She cooperated with the Slovak Radio – Radio Devín, Radio Regina Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica Studio, Radio Regina Bratislava, Studio Kontakt, Rock FM Radio, Radio Burgenland Vienna, Radio Ljubljana, Radio Okey, Radio Elán, Radio Lumen and Radio Twist.
In 1991 – 2001 she was a chairwoman of the Board and the head of Foundation of Ján Levoslav Bella in Banská Bystrica, in 2000 – 2013 she was a member of the Board of Foundation of Ján Cikker. She attended several study trips and stays in Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland and Germany. She received several awards: Bronze Badge of the town Banská Bystrica (1983), commemorative plaque of the town Liptovský Mikuláš on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the birth of Ján Levoslav Bella (2003), The Price of the Flower of the Culture and Art of Banská Bystrica Region (2009), The Medal of II. Instance of Milan Rastislav Štefánik granted by the Central Council of the Slovak Union of Antifascist Fighters, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the end of World War 2, for promotion of the ideas of Slovak National Uprising and humanism in music, The Medal of the Prime Minister on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the end of the World War 2 for promoting ideas of humanism and the Slovak National Uprising in Music (2010).