• 1966 – 1969

    High School in Trnava

  • 1969 – 1974

    Faculty of Philosophy of Jan Evangelita Purkyně University in Brno (current Masaryk University in Brno), musicology and theatre science

  • 1974 – 1990

    specialist – music historian of Western Slovakia Museum in Trnava

  • since 1978

    pedagogical activity (Trnava, Bratislava, Ostrava, Brno, Banská Bystrica etc.), Secondary Librarian School, Bratislava (external class in Trnava), Primary Music School Vrbové (1993 – 1995), Primary Music School Trnava (1995 – 1996), High School Trnava (1996)

  • 1990 – 1992

    Deputy Municipal National Committee in Trnava, Deputy Head of City Administration in Trnava (independent parlamentarian until 1998)

  • 1993 – 1997

    A worker in School Administration in Trnava, and self-employed in the B.E.S.T. Agency

  • 1997 – 1999

    head of the Music Cabinet of the Regional Cultural Centre

  • 1999 – 2002

    deputy head of Western Slovak Museum in Trnava

  •  2002 – 2023

    head of Music Museum of Slovak National Museum

PhDr. Edita Bugalová, PhD. was a Slovak musicologist, music museologist, pedagogue and organizer of cultural life.

In research she specialized in the regional music historiography and personality of Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský. She was engaged in professional screenwriting, a journalist, a compiler and with editorial activities as well as organizational work. Since 1991 she has been a member of the Board of Society of M. Schneider-Trnavský of which she is also the co-founder. She actively participated in the development of musical life in Trnava. During her work in the municipal sector she initiated the founding of several now traditional and cultural events. In the field of museum music activities she works on national and international projects (exhibitions), organizes professional events (conferences, seminars), and participates in musical and historical researches. She is a member of the Slovak Musicological Association, since 2008 a member of the Cultural Council of the Trnava Region, a member of the Musicological Committee of the Music Fund, and since 2014 a member of the Council of the Music Fund. She attended several study trips and stays in Hungary, Austria, Romania and Germany.

She organized events of international character: musicological seminars and conferences (Trnava, Dolná Krupá, Bratislava) (1988-2012), International Vocal Competition of M. Schneider-Trnavský, director of the competition (1992-1998); Trnava Organ Days, Music Festival (1995-1998); CONTAKT project within the project Interreg II supported by EU; cooperation of ensembles Austria-Slovakia (1997 – 2003); Ján Levoslav Bella in Sibiu, exhibition (European Capital of Culture, Sibiu) (2007); Decalogue about Fujara, exhibition (intangible cultural heritage UNESCO); presentation Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Sarajevo (2007 – 2008); Contribution of world personalities in the context of historical parks and the tradition of growing roses in Dolná Krupá, International conference on 200th anniversary of English park in Dolná Krupá (2013); as well as events of nationwide and regional character: organization of anniversaries of composers M. Schneider-Trnavský, Franz Schubert, Eugen Suchoň, Ján Levoslav Bella (1978 – 2008), organization of musicological conferences and seminars (1978 – 2012), Concert Cycle Musical Tuesdays at the Museum (1984 – 1988), Festival Trnava Music Spring (1992, 1996), Master classes for organists (1996 – 1998), dramaturgy and directing of concerts: The Anniversary of Gejza Dusík (Križovany), The Year of Eugen Suchoň (Cífer) (1998).

She also participated in the organizing of live concerts: Music of Trnava Baroque (Musica Aeterna), Missa Alma Nox, M. Schneider-Trnavský (State Philharmonic Košice), String Quartets, M. Schneider Trnavský (Janáček Quartet), Missa in Honorem St. Nicolai, M. Schneider-Trnavský (Choir and Orchestra of the Bratislava Conservatory, Philharmonie Marchfeld), Missa Rosa Mystica, M. Schneider-Trnavský (Capella Tyrnaviensis, Tirnavia Choir), operetta Bellarosa, M. Schneider-Trnavský (cooperation with the Theater of Ján Palárik in Trnava), Karol Elbert Known Unknown (his compositions, concerts in Bratislava and Trnava, released CD).
