Czechoslovak State Hymn
for mixed choir
Year: 1934
Scoring: CM
Strange Bandit
for solos, choirs and orchestra
Year: 1933
Scoring: vv, CF, CM, CMa, orch
Text: O. Bella
Ave Maria!
for soprano, tenor and organ
Year: 1930
Scoring: s, t, org
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2019
Eagle, a Bird
Year: 1929
Scoring: 2vf, 4vm
Text: J. Kráľ
Motto of the West Slovakia County of Singers
for male choir
Year: 1928
Scoring: CMa
Jánošík’s Wedding
Cantata for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra on Ján Botto's romance The Death of Jánošík
Year: 1927
Scoring: s, t, br, CM, orch: 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, 4cr, 2tr, 3tn, tp, bat, ar, archi
Text: J. Botto
Duration: 00:16:00
Publisher: Opus
for bass and orchestra
Year: 1927
Scoring: b, orch
Text: J. Martinec
Piper Filúš
for tenor and piano
Year: 1927
Scoring: t, pf
Text: Ľ. Podjavorinská
for male choir
Year: 1927
Scoring: CMa
for mixed choir
Year: 1925
Scoring: CM
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Choir to the Nomination of Rector
Year: 1925
Scoring: CM
for choir and orchestra (arr. Ľudovít Rajter)
Year: 1925
Year of revision: 1946
Scoring: CM, orch
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Duration: 00:03:30
We Would Fall
for voice and piano
Year: 1924
Scoring: v, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
First Christmas
for mixed choir
Year: 1924
Scoring: 2s, 2a, 2t, 2b
How Is It?
Year: 1924
Scoring: CMa
Text: P. Bella-Horal
To Christmas
for mixed choir
Year: 1924
Scoring: CMa
Text: Š. Krčméry
Seven Days
for voice and orchestra
Year: 1924
Scoring: v, pf
Text: J. Jesenský
Mother over a Cradle
for soprano and piano
Year: 1924
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Fantasia on the Choral "Christus, der ist mein Leben"
for organ
Year: 1918
Scoring: org
for male choir
Year: 1917
Scoring: CMa
Text: R. Lederhilger
for soprano and piano
Year: 1905
Scoring: s, pf
Text: G. Lauka
Juhász legény
for soprano and piano
Year: 1905
Scoring: s, pf
Text: S. Petöfi
An den Frühling
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1905
Scoring: CM, orch
Text: F. Schiller
Siebenbürgen Land des Segens
Year: 1904
Scoring: pf4m
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Siebenbürgen Land des Segens
Year: 1904
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2021
Drei ernste Gesänge
for male choir
Year: before 1901
Scoring: CMa
Text: E. Grün, O. Schlemm, F. S. Höchsmann
Vier heitere Gesänge. Offenbarung
for male choir
Year: before 1901
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Year: 1900
Scoring: org
Wunsch und Erfüllung
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Kuno’s Ritt
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Trost im Leid
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Die Ergebung der Witwe
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Ave Maria
for alto, string orchestra and organ
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: a, archi, org
Cum Audisse populus
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: s, a, b
Ave Maria
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: CM, orch
Bergglocke (Weihnacht auf dem Friedhof)
for soprano and orchestra
Year: 1899
Scoring: s, orch
Vierstimmiges Choralbuch
for mixed choir, in collaboration with O. Wermann
Year: 1898
Scoring: CM
Concert Piece in Hungarian Style
Year: 1893
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Overture to the operetta Hermina im Venusberg
Year: 1886
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Hymne an die Musik
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1886
Scoring: CM, orch
Schönes Waldland
for male choir and brass orchestra
Year: 1884
Scoring: CMa, 2tr, 3cr, euf, 3tn, tu
Gott ist die Liebe
for bass and piano/organ
Year: cca 1884
Scoring: b, pf/org
Heil’ge Nacht
for bass and orchestra
Year: cca 1884
Scoring: b, orch
Text: R. Prutz
Year: between 1883–1890
Scoring: vv, CMa, CM, orch
Text: M. Guist
Saul und David Op. 7
for bass and organ
Year: 1883
Scoring: b, org
Text: A. Graf von Platen
How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place, O Lord!
Motet for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1883
Scoring: vv, CM, orch
Duration: 00:07:27
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
for mixed choir
Year: 1882
Scoring: CMa
Drei Stücke (Three Pieces)
for organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Rondo in D major
for string orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: archi
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
A’ friedsame Mensch
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Symphony in C Minor
Fragment of 1st movement
Year: after 1881
Scoring: orch
Auswandererlied, Vlämische Volksweise
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: folk.
Blau und rot
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: E. Kühlbrandt
Einem Freunde
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: N. Lenau
Gedächtnisfeier eines verdienstvollen Menschen
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Zur Trauung
for mixed choir and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, org
Zieh’ ein zu deinen Toren
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
for mixed choir and wind instruments
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, fiati
Psalm 126
for mixed choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM
Reformationskantate Es täumelten
for solos, choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: vv, CM, orch
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden
for soprano, bass, mixed choir, organ and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, b, CM, org, orch
Ehre sei Gott!
for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, CM, orch
Rasch tritt der Tod
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: F. Schiller
Weihnachtslied. Der heil’ge Christ ist ’kommen
for voice and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: v, org
Text: E. M. Arndt
Gott höre mein Gebet
for soprano and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, orch
Symphony in C Minor
fragment (piano reduction of 1st and 2nd movement)
Year: after 1881
Scoring: pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
For to Us a Child is Born
Christmas Cantata for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Duration: 00:05:30
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Verzage nicht, du Häuflein klein
for mixed choir and brass instruments
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, 2tr, 2cr, 3tn, tu
So nimm denn meine Hände
for female choir and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CF, org
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2002
O komm, mein Heiland
for mixed choir and brass instruments
Year: 1881
Scoring: CM, ottoni
Zum Jubiläum
for mixed choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM
Lobe den Herrn! Geistlicher Festgesang
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, orch/archi
Wieland der Schmied (Wieland the Smith)
Year: between 1880–1890
Text: O. Schlemm after R. Wagner
for voice and piano
Year: 1880
Scoring: v, pf
Text: L. von Ploennies
for cello and piano
Year: 1879
Scoring: vc, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Sunday Mass No. 9 in D Minor
Year: after 1878
Scoring: s, a, t, b, fl, 2cl, 2cr, tr, tnb, tp, archi, harm
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2018
Jaroslav a Laura
dramatic poem for tenor and orchestra
Year: 1877
Scoring: t, orch
Text: V. Pok Poděbradský
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Was du mir bist (Du bist die Sonne)
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
Text: Hoffmann v. Fallersleben
Ich habe Dich geliebet
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Du schwebst mir vor
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
(2nd version of Dumky)
Year: 1875
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Mag da draussen Schnee sich türmen
for voice and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Labori in gemitu meo
for soprano and strings
Year: 1874
Scoring: s, archi
Fate and Ideal
symphonic poem
Year: 1874
Year of revision: before 1880
Scoring: orch [4fl (2flp), 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, 4cr, 4tr, 3tn, tu, tp, 2ar, archi]
Duration: 00:23:00
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Song Without Words
for violin and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Two Songs
for voice and piano
Year: 1874
Year of revision: 1923
Scoring: v, pf
Text: E. Krásnohorská
Mein Friedhof
for soprano and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: s, pf
Text: J. Grasberger
Sonatina in E Minor
for piano
Year: 1873
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:05:06
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Emitte Spiritum
for two mixed choirs
Year: 1873
Scoring: 2CM
Duration: 00:03:30
Ad te Domine levavi
Year: 1873
Scoring: v, org/archi
Christus factus est
for mixed choir
Year: after 1873
Scoring: CM
Duration: 00:05:00
for mixed choir
Year: 1873
Scoring: CM
Overture in E flat Major
Year: 1872–1873
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Passio Domini Nostri Iesu Christi secundum Joannem, op. 11b
for male quartet
Year: 1871
Scoring: VM
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Fantasy on the Motifs of the Rákoczy March
arrangement for four-hand piano
Year: 1871
Scoring: pf4m
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Psalmi ad Vesperas
for male choir
Year: 1870–74
Scoring: CMa
Passio Domini Nostri Iesu Christi secundum Matthaeum, op. 11
for male quartet
Year: 1870
Scoring: VM
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
for soprano, violin, string orchestra and harmonium
Year: 1870
Duration: 00:04:00
for three instruments
Year: cca 1870
Scoring: vn, fg/vc/harm, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Year: cca 1870
Scoring: vn, vc, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Ave Rex
for soprano, violin and harmonium
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, vn, harm
Duration: 00:04:20
Te Deum
for alto, choir, orchestra and harmonium
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: a, CM, orch, harm
Duration: 00:05:00
Terra tremuit
Offertory for soprano and string orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, archi
Duration: 00:04:20
Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo
for choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Duration: 00:02:30
Ave Maria
for soprano, clarinet and string orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, cl, archi
Duration: 00:04:00
Kremnica Fire Brigade Polka
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:01:20
Adiutor meus
for soprano and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, orch
Duration: 00:05:00
Protector noster
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Prayer of St. Cyrill Op. 15
Year: 1869
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Tu es Petrus, Cantus Solemnis Op. 20
for two male choirs
Year: 1869
Scoring: 2CMa
Missa brevis, virorum cantui accomodata (in G major)
for male choir
Year: before 1867
Scoring: CMa
Ave Regina
for male choir
Year: 1867
Scoring: CMa
Christmas Sonata in F major
Year: 1866
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Veni sancte Spiritus
for choir and string orchestra
Year: cca 1866
Scoring: CM, archi
Duration: 00:05:00
That Day
for male choir
Year: 1866
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Haec dies Op. 8
for male choir
Year: between 1865–1866
Scoring: CMa
Rorate coeli
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
Ave maris Stella
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
Stabat Mater
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: 1864
Year of revision: 1928
Scoring: CMa
Text: A. Sládkovič
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Missa in B
for male choir
Year: before 1864
Scoring: CMa
Jesu Redemptor. Quattuor virorum vocibus
for male choir
Year: 1864
Scoring: CMa
Slovak Quartets. I., II
Year: 1864
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Pange lingua
for voice and piano
Year: between 1863–1865
Scoring: v, pf
Slavonic Pater Noster Op. 3
for mixed choir
Year: 1863
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
for male choir
Year: 1863
Scoring: CMa
Starosloviensky Otčenáš, op. 3
Year: 1863
Scoring: 2 t, 2 b
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Dedicated to: Tomášovi Červenovi (Cherven) (1793-1876)
To Mother Glory
Scoring: CMa
Text: Somolický
Veni sancte
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Adoramus op. 10
Would Be Sunday
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Text: J. Jesenský
Te Deum
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
From "Gypsy Melodies"
for female choir
Scoring: CF
Three Compositions to the Palm Holiday
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Song of the Folk
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Tantum ergo
for solos and orchestra
Scoring: s, t, 2b, orch
Benedicta et venerabilis
for voice and wind instruments
Scoring: v, 2fl, ob, 2cl, 2cr, fg
Sonatina in G major
for violin and piano
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Fund Slovakia
Am Heldenfriedhof
Fantasia for organ
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Lied ohne Worte (Song without Words)
for harmonium
Scoring: harm
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
To the Dearest Beauty of Beauties
If You See Along the Way a Blooming Flower
Pange lingua
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: CM, orch
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: CM, orch
Rorate coeli
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
Ernst im Herzen
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: J. Grasberger
Offertorium Ave verum
Scoring: s, fl, archi, org
O salutaris hostia
for alto and orchestra
Scoring: a, orch
In te speravi
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
In Deo speravit
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
Hodie Christus natus est
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch (fl, 2cl, 2cr, 2tr, archi)
Ecce panis
for bass and strings
Scoring: b, archi (2vn, vl, cb)
Domine exaudi
for soprano, alto and orchestra
Scoring: s, a, orch (+fl, 2cl, archi ad lib.)
Diffusa est
for soprano and strings
Scoring: s, archi
Deus meus, ad te luce vigilo
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, archi/orch
Hallow of a Flag
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Blauer Himmel
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze (Die Wellen blinken)
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Prostrati ante thronum. Melodia antiqua, virorum vocibus accomodavit
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Missa in C
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Scoring: CMa
Dedicated to: to Dr. Ambros
Let's Like Each Other
Scoring: CMa
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Genug gesorgt
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Text: Š. Krčméry
Antiphonae pro Dominica Palm
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Antiphonae pro diebus Rogationum (B dur)
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Odsúdený (Čie sa to ovečky na tom grúni pasú?)
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Missa quatuor vocibus B dur
Scoring: CMa
Zum Waldfest
for mixed choir
Scoring: CM
Text: Schuller
Missa in F
Scoring: CM
Frühlings Hochzeit
for mixed choir
Scoring: CM
Text: O. Schlemm
Grief of the Orphan
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Die drei Sterne
pre barytón a miešaný zbor
Scoring: br, CM
Text: Th. Körner
Feast of Slovakia
Weiche nicht, o süsser Traum
for bass and piano
Scoring: b, pf
Text: C. H. Preller
Our Gate
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Mondnacht (Aus den Fliegenden Blättern)
for bass and piano
Scoring: b, pf
Text: anonym
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
In Our Orchard
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
I Conjure You
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Im vollem Frieden
for alto, male choir and organ/harmonium
Scoring: a, CMa, org/harm
stage works
Adoramus op. 10
Wieland der Schmied (Wieland the Smith)
Year: between 1880–1890
Text: O. Schlemm after R. Wagner
other stage works
Jaroslav a Laura
dramatic poem for tenor and orchestra
Year: 1877
Scoring: t, orch
Text: V. Pok Poděbradský
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
symphony orchestra
Symphony in B minor
(Piano Sonata in B flat minor, instrumentation V. Bokes)
Year: 1982
Scoring: orch: 3fl (1flp), 2ob, 4cl (2clb), 3fg (1cfg), 4cr, 2tr, 3tn, tu, tp, bat, 2ar, archi
Duration: 00:30:00
Siebenbürgen Land des Segens
Year: 1904
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2021
Concert Piece in Hungarian Style
Year: 1893
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Overture to the operetta Hermina im Venusberg
Year: 1886
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Symphony in C Minor
Fragment of 1st movement
Year: after 1881
Scoring: orch
Fate and Ideal
symphonic poem
Year: 1874
Year of revision: before 1880
Scoring: orch [4fl (2flp), 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, 4cr, 4tr, 3tn, tu, tp, 2ar, archi]
Duration: 00:23:00
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Overture in E flat Major
Year: 1872–1873
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Fantasy on the Motifs of the Rákoczy March
for orchestra
Year: 1871
Scoring: orch
Duration: 00:11:05
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Hallow of a Flag
Scoring: orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
string orchestra
Rondo in D major
for string orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: archi
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
solo voice(s) and orchestra
for bass and orchestra
Year: 1927
Scoring: b, orch
Text: J. Martinec
Ballade (aus den Lustigen Weibern)
for solo voice and orchestra
Year: 1905?
Scoring: v, orch
Text: S. Mosenthal
Ave Maria
for alto, string orchestra and organ
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: a, archi, org
Bergglocke (Weihnacht auf dem Friedhof)
for soprano and orchestra
Year: 1899
Scoring: s, orch
Heil’ge Nacht
for bass and orchestra
Year: cca 1884
Scoring: b, orch
Text: R. Prutz
Gott höre mein Gebet
for soprano and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, orch
Sunday Mass No. 9 in D Minor
Year: after 1878
Scoring: s, a, t, b, fl, 2cl, 2cr, tr, tnb, tp, archi, harm
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2018
Labori in gemitu meo
for soprano and strings
Year: 1874
Scoring: s, archi
Mein Friedhof
for soprano and orchestra
Year: 1874
Scoring: s, orch
for soprano, violin, string orchestra and harmonium
Year: 1870
Duration: 00:04:00
Terra tremuit
Offertory for soprano and string orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, archi
Duration: 00:04:20
for solo voices, choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, a, t, b, CM, orch
Duration: 00:19:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Ave Maria
for soprano, clarinet and string orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, cl, archi
Duration: 00:04:00
Adiutor meus
for soprano and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, orch
Duration: 00:05:00
Tantum ergo
for solos and orchestra
Scoring: s, t, 2b, orch
Rorate coeli
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
Offertorium Ave verum
Scoring: s, fl, archi, org
O salutaris hostia
for alto and orchestra
Scoring: a, orch
In te speravi
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
In Deo speravit
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch
Hodie Christus natus est
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, orch (fl, 2cl, 2cr, 2tr, archi)
Ecce panis
for bass and strings
Scoring: b, archi (2vn, vl, cb)
Domine exaudi
for soprano, alto and orchestra
Scoring: s, a, orch (+fl, 2cl, archi ad lib.)
Diffusa est
for soprano and strings
Scoring: s, archi
Deus meus, ad te luce vigilo
for soprano and orchestra
Scoring: s, archi/orch
solo voice(s), choir, and orchestra
Strange Bandit
for solos, choirs and orchestra
Year: 1933
Scoring: vv, CF, CM, CMa, orch
Text: O. Bella
Jánošík’s Wedding
Cantata for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra on Ján Botto's romance The Death of Jánošík
Year: 1927
Scoring: s, t, br, CM, orch: 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, 4cr, 2tr, 3tn, tp, bat, ar, archi
Text: J. Botto
Duration: 00:16:00
Publisher: Opus
Ah, Even to Death
Passion Cantata for bass, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1900
Scoring: b, CM, orch
Duration: 00:14:23
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Christ Loved the Church
Easter Cantata for baritone solo, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1895
Scoring: br, CM, orch
Duration: 00:10:54
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Turn to Us, O Lord
Cantata for soprane, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1888
Scoring: s, br, CM, orch
Duration: 00:12:13
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Year: between 1883–1890
Scoring: vv, CMa, CM, orch
Text: M. Guist
Have Mercy on Me
Little Reformation Cantata for bass, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1883
Scoring: b, CM, orch
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place, O Lord!
Motet for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1883
Scoring: vv, CM, orch
Duration: 00:07:27
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Reformationskantate Es täumelten
for solos, choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: vv, CM, orch
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden
for soprano, bass, mixed choir, organ and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, b, CM, org, orch
Ehre sei Gott!
for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: s, CM, orch
Mass in E flat Major
for four voices, mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1880
Scoring: s, a, t, b, CM, orch: 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2fg, 2cr, 2tr, tnb, tp, archi
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Messe B-Moll
for solos, mixed choir, organ and orchestra
Year: between 1878–1880
Scoring: vv, CM, orch, org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Te Deum
for alto, choir, orchestra and harmonium
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: a, CM, orch, harm
Duration: 00:05:00
choir and orchestra
for choir and orchestra (arr. Ľudovít Rajter)
Year: 1925
Year of revision: 1946
Scoring: CM, orch
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Duration: 00:03:30
An den Frühling
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1905
Scoring: CM, orch
Text: F. Schiller
Ave Maria
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: CM, orch
Hymne an die Musik
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1886
Scoring: CM, orch
For to Us a Child is Born
Christmas Cantata for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: 1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Duration: 00:05:30
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo
for choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Duration: 00:02:30
Litaniae de Sanctissimo Nomine Jesu
for choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Duration: 00:07:00
Protector noster
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: CM, orch
Sunday Mass No. 6 in C Major
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: between 1869–1880
Scoring: CM, fl, 2cl, 2cr, 2tr, tn, tp, archi, harm
Veni sancte Spiritus
for choir and string orchestra
Year: cca 1866
Scoring: CM, archi
Duration: 00:05:00
Pange lingua
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: CM, orch
Missa Stae Mariae (in A major)
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: CM, fl, 2cl, 2tr, tn, archi
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Missa pro Die Dominica (in E flat dur)
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: s, a, t, b, orch: fl, cl, 2tr, tn, tp, archi, org
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
for mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: CM, orch
chamber works
To the Dearest Beauty of Beauties
If You See Along the Way a Blooming Flower
instrumental chamber works
Ad te Domine levavi
Year: 1873
Scoring: v, org/archi
solo instrument
Lied ohne Worte (Song without Words)
for harmonium
Scoring: harm
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
piano or piano four hands
Doll’s Holiday
Waltz for piano duet
Year: 1927
Scoring: pf4m
Duration: 00:02:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Sonata in B flat Minor
for piano
Year: 1885
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:28:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Symphony in C Minor
fragment (piano reduction of 1st and 2nd movement)
Year: after 1881
Scoring: pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Sonatina in E Minor
for piano
Year: 1873
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:05:06
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Variations on the Slovak Folk Song "A Swarn, A Swarn is Flying"
for piano
Year: 1872
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:04:00
Publisher: Slovak Music Fund, Music Centre Slovakia
Kremnica Fire Brigade Polka
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:01:20
Little Pieces
for piano
Year: between 1869–1877
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:11:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Variations on the Slovak Folk Song "In Pressburg by the Danube"
for piano
Year: 1866
Year of revision: 1879
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:05:30
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
St Martin’s Quadrille (Slovak Quadrille)
for piano
Year: 1862
Scoring: pf
Duration: 00:05:33
Fantasia on the Choral "Christus, der ist mein Leben"
for organ
Year: 1918
Scoring: org
Choral Trilogy „Gottvertrauen“
for organ
Year: 1916
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia, Music Fund Slovakia
Year: 1900
Scoring: org
Phantasie-Sonate d-moll (Fantasia-Sonata in D Minor)
Year: between 1881–1890?
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia, Music Fund Slovakia
Drei Stücke (Three Pieces)
for organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Am Heldenfriedhof
Fantasia for organ
Scoring: org
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
two instruments
In Foreign Parts
for violin and piano, (3rd version of Dumky/Contemplations)
Year: 1923
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
for cello and piano
Year: 1879
Scoring: vc, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
for violin and piano
Year: before 1875
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
(2nd version of Dumky)
Year: 1875
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Song Without Words
for violin and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Sonatina in G major
for violin and piano
Scoring: vn, pf
Publisher: Music Fund Slovakia
three instruments
Sonata No. 2 in E flat major
for three violins in first position
Year: 1909
Scoring: 3vn
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Sonata No. 1 in G major
for three violins in first position
Year: 1890
Scoring: 3vn
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
for three instruments
Year: cca 1870
Scoring: vn, fg/vc/harm, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
piano trio
Year: cca 1870
Scoring: vn, vc, pf
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
string quartet
for string quartet
Year: 1930
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Duration: 00:07:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
String Quartet No. 4 in B flat major
Year: 1887
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Duration: 00:16:00
Publisher: Music Fund Slovakia, Music Centre Slovakia
String Quartet No. 3 C minor Op. 25
Year: 1880
Year of revision: before 1918
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Publisher: Music Fund Slovakia, Music Centre Slovakia
String Quartet No. 2 in E Minor in Hungarian Style
Year: 1871
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Publisher: Music Fund Slovakia, Music Centre Slovakia
String Quartet No. 1 in G minor
Year: 1866
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Christmas Sonata in F major
Year: 1866
Scoring: 2vn, vl, vc
five instruments
vocal-instrumental chamber works
Verbum caro
for soprano, two violins and two violas
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, 2vn, 2vl
Duration: 00:05:30
Benedicta et venerabilis
for voice and wind instruments
Scoring: v, 2fl, ob, 2cl, 2cr, fg
solo voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Piper Filúš
for tenor and piano
Year: 1927
Scoring: t, pf
Text: Ľ. Podjavorinská
We Would Fall
for voice and piano
Year: 1924
Scoring: v, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Seven Days
for voice and orchestra
Year: 1924
Scoring: v, pf
Text: J. Jesenský
Mother over a Cradle
for soprano and piano
Year: 1924
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
for soprano and piano
Year: 1905
Scoring: s, pf
Text: G. Lauka
Juhász legény
for soprano and piano
Year: 1905
Scoring: s, pf
Text: S. Petöfi
Gott ist die Liebe
for bass and piano/organ
Year: cca 1884
Scoring: b, pf/org
Drei Lieder Op. 12
for voice and piano
Year: between 1881–1882
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine, L. Pfau, J. N. Enders
Vier Lieder Op. 5
Year: 1880
Scoring: ?
Text: J. Grosse, H. Krebs, L. Bowitsch, J. N. Enders
for voice and piano
Year: 1880
Scoring: v, pf
Text: L. von Ploennies
Drei Lieder Op. 2
for voice and piano
Year: unknown 187?
Scoring: v, pf
Text: A. Träger, H. Heine, J. Grasberger
Was du mir bist (Du bist die Sonne)
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
Text: Hoffmann v. Fallersleben
Ich habe Dich geliebet
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Du schwebst mir vor
for voice and piano
Year: 1877
Scoring: v, pf
Mag da draussen Schnee sich türmen
for voice and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Two Songs
for voice and piano
Year: 1874
Year of revision: 1923
Scoring: v, pf
Text: E. Krásnohorská
Mein Friedhof
for soprano and piano
Year: 1874
Scoring: s, pf
Text: J. Grasberger
Pange lingua
for voice and piano
Year: between 1863–1865
Scoring: v, pf
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Ernst im Herzen
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: J. Grasberger
Blauer Himmel
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze (Die Wellen blinken)
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: H. Heine
Grief of the Orphan
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Weiche nicht, o süsser Traum
for bass and piano
Scoring: b, pf
Text: C. H. Preller
Our Gate
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Mondnacht (Aus den Fliegenden Blättern)
for bass and piano
Scoring: b, pf
Text: anonym
for voice and piano
Scoring: v, pf
In Our Orchard
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
I Conjure You
for soprano and piano
Scoring: s, pf
Text: P. Bella-Horal
solo voice(s) and organ
Ave Maria!
for soprano, tenor and organ
Year: 1930
Scoring: s, t, org
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2019
Saul und David Op. 7
for bass and organ
Year: 1883
Scoring: b, org
Text: A. Graf von Platen
Weihnachtslied. Der heil’ge Christ ist ’kommen
for voice and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: v, org
Text: E. M. Arndt
Missa brevis (in E flat major)
for voice and organ
Scoring: v, org
Publisher: Závodský, Music Centre Slovakia
solo voice(s) and (other) instrument(s)
Ave Rex
for soprano, violin and harmonium
Year: between 1869–1881
Scoring: s, vn, harm
Duration: 00:04:20
solo voice(s)
Passio Domini Nostri Iesu Christi secundum Joannem, op. 11b
for male quartet
Year: 1871
Scoring: VM
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Passio Domini Nostri Iesu Christi secundum Matthaeum, op. 11
for male quartet
Year: 1870
Scoring: VM
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Starosloviensky Otčenáš, op. 3
Year: 1863
Scoring: 2 t, 2 b
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Dedicated to: Tomášovi Červenovi (Cherven) (1793-1876)
folklore adaptations
Four Slovak National Songs
Year: cca 1918
Scoring: vv, CM
Duration: 00:10:00
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Nine Slovak National Songs
for mixed choir
Year: cca 1918
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Dedicated to: prof. dr. Aloisovi Kolískovi
Slovak Quartets. I., II
Year: 1864
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Feast of Slovakia
choir with instruments
Schönes Waldland
for male choir and brass orchestra
Year: 1884
Scoring: CMa, 2tr, 3cr, euf, 3tn, tu
Zur Trauung
for mixed choir and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, org
for mixed choir and wind instruments
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, fiati
Verzage nicht, du Häuflein klein
for mixed choir and brass instruments
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, 2tr, 2cr, 3tn, tu
So nimm denn meine Hände
for female choir and organ
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CF, org
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2002
O komm, mein Heiland
for mixed choir and brass instruments
Year: 1881
Scoring: CM, ottoni
Lobe den Herrn! Geistlicher Festgesang
for mixed choir and orchestra
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM, orch/archi
soloists, choir and instruments
Im vollem Frieden
for alto, male choir and organ/harmonium
Scoring: a, CMa, org/harm
piano reduction
Siebenbürgen Land des Segens
Year: 1904
Scoring: pf4m
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
Fantasy on the Motifs of the Rákoczy March
arrangement for four-hand piano
Year: 1871
Scoring: pf4m
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
mixed choir
Czechoslovak State Hymn
for mixed choir
Year: 1934
Scoring: CM
Eagle, a Bird
Year: 1929
Scoring: 2vf, 4vm
Text: J. Kráľ
for mixed choir
Year: 1925
Scoring: CM
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Choir to the Nomination of Rector
Year: 1925
Scoring: CM
First Christmas
for mixed choir
Year: 1924
Scoring: 2s, 2a, 2t, 2b
Cum Audisse populus
Year: unknown 18??
Scoring: s, a, b
Vierstimmiges Choralbuch
for mixed choir, in collaboration with O. Wermann
Year: 1898
Scoring: CM
Psalm 126
for mixed choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM
Zum Jubiläum
for mixed choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CM
Emitte Spiritum
for two mixed choirs
Year: 1873
Scoring: 2CM
Duration: 00:03:30
Christus factus est
for mixed choir
Year: after 1873
Scoring: CM
Duration: 00:05:00
for mixed choir
Year: 1873
Scoring: CM
Slavonic Pater Noster Op. 3
for mixed choir
Year: 1863
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Missa in C
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Zum Waldfest
for mixed choir
Scoring: CM
Text: Schuller
Missa in F
Scoring: CM
Frühlings Hochzeit
for mixed choir
Scoring: CM
Text: O. Schlemm
Die drei Sterne
pre barytón a miešaný zbor
Scoring: br, CM
Text: Th. Körner
Missa Es dur
Scoring: CM
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2022
male choir
Motto of the West Slovakia County of Singers
for male choir
Year: 1928
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: 1927
Scoring: CMa
How Is It?
Year: 1924
Scoring: CMa
Text: P. Bella-Horal
To Christmas
for mixed choir
Year: 1924
Scoring: CMa
Text: Š. Krčméry
for male choir
Year: 1917
Scoring: CMa
Text: R. Lederhilger
Drei ernste Gesänge
for male choir
Year: before 1901
Scoring: CMa
Text: E. Grün, O. Schlemm, F. S. Höchsmann
Vier heitere Gesänge. Offenbarung
for male choir
Year: before 1901
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Wunsch und Erfüllung
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Kuno’s Ritt
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Trost im Leid
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Die Ergebung der Witwe
for male choir
Year: cca 1900
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
for mixed choir
Year: 1882
Scoring: CMa
A’ friedsame Mensch
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: Crassus
Auswandererlied, Vlämische Volksweise
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: folk.
Blau und rot
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: E. Kühlbrandt
Einem Freunde
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: N. Lenau
Gedächtnisfeier eines verdienstvollen Menschen
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Zieh’ ein zu deinen Toren
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Rasch tritt der Tod
for male choir
Year: after 1881
Scoring: CMa
Text: F. Schiller
Psalmi ad Vesperas
for male choir
Year: 1870–74
Scoring: CMa
Prayer of St. Cyrill Op. 15
Year: 1869
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Tu es Petrus, Cantus Solemnis Op. 20
for two male choirs
Year: 1869
Scoring: 2CMa
Missa brevis, virorum cantui accomodata (in G major)
for male choir
Year: before 1867
Scoring: CMa
Ave Regina
for male choir
Year: 1867
Scoring: CMa
That Day
for male choir
Year: 1866
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Haec dies Op. 8
for male choir
Year: between 1865–1866
Scoring: CMa
Missa virorum polyphoniae adaptata, op. 6 (in E flat major)
for male choir
Year: before 1865
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Music Centre Slovakia
Rorate coeli
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
Ave maris Stella
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
Stabat Mater
for male choir
Year: 1865
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: 1864
Year of revision: 1928
Scoring: CMa
Text: A. Sládkovič
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Missa in B
for male choir
Year: before 1864
Scoring: CMa
Jesu Redemptor. Quattuor virorum vocibus
for male choir
Year: 1864
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Year: 1863
Scoring: CMa
To Mother Glory
Scoring: CMa
Text: Somolický
Veni sancte
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Would Be Sunday
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Text: J. Jesenský
Te Deum
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Three Compositions to the Palm Holiday
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Song of the Folk
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Prostrati ante thronum. Melodia antiqua, virorum vocibus accomodavit
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Scoring: CMa
Dedicated to: to Dr. Ambros
Let's Like Each Other
Scoring: CMa
Text: P. Bella-Horal
Genug gesorgt
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Text: Š. Krčméry
Antiphonae pro Dominica Palm
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Antiphonae pro diebus Rogationum (B dur)
for male choir
Scoring: CMa
Odsúdený (Čie sa to ovečky na tom grúni pasú?)
Scoring: CMa
Publisher: Hudobné centrum 2020
Missa quatuor vocibus B dur
Scoring: CMa
female choir
From "Gypsy Melodies"
for female choir
Scoring: CF