Dieter Kaufmann / René Staar / Eugene Hartzell /Erik Freitag
Da Capo al Capone (1999)
Paganihilismo (Dieter Kaufmann)
Acousmatic variations on three fragments of the Sauret-Cadence of the first violin concerto by N. Paganini
for violin soloist and 8 channel sound installation after original recordings by Elena Denisova.
The fortunes of War
(music: René Staar, text: Amy Leverenz)
5 scenes from the life and “work” of Al Capone
What a life
Times have changed
Que bravo ragazzo
Valentine’s day editorial
Service is my motto
who claims that it is not worth to commit a crime? (Eugene Hartzell)
5 pieces about underworld in New York
Trio 1 (introduction)
Dutch Schult
Charlie Becker
Albert Anastasia
Trio 2 (finale)
In the death’s hour of Alfons Alfred Schmidt
(music: Erik Freitag, text: Martin Amanshauser)
bitter tragicomical grotesque
Cinema Criminale – Cinema Paradiso (r. Ulrich Kaufmann)