• from 1960

    technician working in the manufacture of musical instruments (Varhany Krnov plant)

  • 1964 – 1973

    film cutting editor, afterwards freelance composer

  • 1991 – 2009

    staff scholar at Slovak Academy of Sciences

  • 1996

    founder of the Department of Sound Composition for training audio experts at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Musical and Performing Arts

  • 1997 – 2009

    director of the Institute of Musicology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences

In the field of research he has focused on film music, liturgical music and musical culture.

He is the author of Audiovizuálne médiá a hudobná kultúra (Audiovisual Media and Musical Culture, 2009, 2002), Slovenská televízia a jej perspektívy (Slovak Television and its Prospects, 2007), Teória filmovej hudby (Theory of Film Music, 2006, 1981), Liturgický spevník pre tretie tisícročie (A Liturgical Hymnbook for the Third Millennium, 2000), Slovenská filmová hudba 1896 – 1996 (Slovak Film Music 1896-1996, 1996).

He is the author of music for more than 120 films (e.g. for the full-length cartoon film by Viktor Kubal, Krvavá pani / Bloody Lady) and for stage programmes of the SĽUK folk ensemble (e.g. Slnovrat/Solstice). He has composed chamber music and songs, and he is the author and director of musical documentary films and TV programmes (e.g. Philosophy of Music; the cycle Child Musicians). He has done cutting and musical dramaturgy for approx. 1,400 reportage, documentary and animated films.

He is a member of the International Cooperative in Systematic and Comparative Musicology.
