1990 – 1996
Mgr., Theological Institute of Comenius University in Spišská Kapitula, major: Catholic theology
1996 – 2001
Mgr. studies at the Catholic University in Lublin, Faculty of Theology, Institute of Musicology, major: musicology, Poland
Member of the diocesan (Rožňava) and national liturgical commission and music subcommission
Lic., studies at the Catholic University in Lublin, Faculty of Theology, Institute of Musicology, major: musicology, Poland
PhD., Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), Faculty of Theology, specialization: liturgy.
2002 – 2004
assistant professor at the Department of Musical Arts, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
2004 – 2017
Head of the Department of Music Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
2002 – 2006
lecturer at the Theological Institute in Spišská Kapitula - Spišské Podhradie
Associate Professor, Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology, Institute of Musicology, specialization: musicology, Poland
2008 – 2014
lecturer at the Institute of Musicology, Catholic University of Lublin
2002 – 2012
editor-in-chief of the journal for sacred music Adoramus Te
since 2017
Vice-Dean for Science and Arts at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Catholic University in Ružomberok
prof. Jan Evangelistu Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Department of Music Theory and Pedagogy
Prof. ThDr. Rastislav Adamko, PhD. is a musicologist, violinist, pedagogue and theologian. He studied violin at the Žilina Conservatory in the class of Ľubomír Kudja. He received his theological education at the Comenius University, the Theological Institute in Spišská Kapitula and the Catholic University in Lublin. He completed his musicological studies at the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland.
He worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Musical Arts of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University in Ružomberok until 2004. He then headed the Department of Music and since 2017 he has been the Vice Dean for Science and Arts at the Faculty of Education of this educational institution. He has lectured at the Theological Institute in Spišská Kapitula - Spišské Podhradie and at the Institute of Musicology of the Catholic University in Lublin.
He is specialized in music medieval studies and research of contemporary, especially sacred music. It focuses on the research of preserved musical artefacts from the territory of today's Slovakia (music-liturgical manuscripts, their fragments, primordial prints, printed codices) from the period of the Middle Ages. He is the author of three source editions - the Spiš Gradual of Juraj of Kežmarok, the Spiš Antiphonary and the Nitra Antiphonary. He is also the co-author of the monograph Medieval Sources of Church Music in Slovakia, the monograph Košice Gradual, as well as the author of a monograph on the theme of chants in the Roman Missal (Kantylacje liturgiczne w mszale słowackim "Rímsky misál" from 1980).
He has worked actively with researchers from the Slovak Academy of Sciences, especially on several projects supported by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Mentioning: CANTUS PLANUS - Gregorian chant in Slovakia as a phenomenon of the time; the project The image of piety in medieval musical culture in Slovakia; the project Missale Romanum sign. Rkp. Zv. 387 from the Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences - research and source edition; Spiritual works of Anton Aschner (1732 - 1793); Musica nova spiritualis. He has published many scientific studies in the field of medieval studies at both home and abroad. He is a member of AISCGre, an international organization for Gregorian chant research.
His other scientific interest is hymnology, in which he is active in publishing. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Research in Hymnology IAH. His high citation acclaim documents the author's recognition as a respected authority.
As a music educator, he is primarily engaged in the teaching of musical forms and musical analysis as well as issues of intonation and aural analysis. He is the author of the undergraduate text Teaching Musical Forms.
He has completed two internships abroad (Poland), mainly focused on music-media research, and a number of short-term Erasmus mobilities in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland.
He is currently a member of the committee of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic for awarding grants in the grant agency VEGA. In 2007 - 2013 he was a member of the Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic for awarding grants in the grant agency KEGA. He is also an Assessor of artistic outputs in the RUV database of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. Since 2002 he has been a member of the Internationale Arbeitsgemeintschaft für Hymnologie (Germany), the Associazione Internazionale di Studi di Canto Gregoriano (Germany) and in 2009 he also gained membership of the International Musicological Society, Study Group Cantus Planus (Canada).
He was editor-in-chief of the journal for sacred music Adoramus Te. Since 2000 he has been a member of the diocesan (Rožňava) and national liturgical commission and music subcommission. He participates in the preparation of the New All-Slovak Liturgical Hymnal (Nový celoslovenský liturgický spevník).
He is also a member of the Doctoral Programme in Didactics of Music at the Faculty of Music in Ružomberok, where he is a member of the Departmental Committee, a tutor and a lecturer. He also participates as a member of the Professional Committee in the doctoral study programme Didactics of Music at the Faculty of Music at the University of Medical Sciences in Banská Bystrica, as well as in the study programme Music Theory and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Music at the University of Hradec Králové.