• 1937

    completed the Pedagogical Institute in Banská Bystrica

  • 1937 – 1941

    Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, major in teacher of pedagogical academies

  • 1940 – 1945

    Music Academy in Bratislava (composition – Eugen Suchoň, conducting – Jozef Vincourek and Kornel Schimpl)

  • 1941 – 1943

    professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Modra

  • 1944

    state professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Bratislava

  • 1945

    courses of orchestra conducting (Pavol Dědeček) and choir conducting (Miroslav Doležil) in Prague, simultaneous studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Zdeněk Nejedlý and Josef Hutter)

  • 1945 – 1957

    répétiteur and conductor at the Slovak National Theatre Opera

  • from 1947

    of the Opera of the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava

  • 1955 – 1957

    artistic director of SĽUK (Slovak Folk Music and Dance Ensemble)

  • 1957 – 1968

    free-lance artist

  • 1968 – 1972

    artistic director of SĽUK

  • since 1972

    free-lance artist

  • 1997

    title Dr. h. c., granted by the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica

“Tibor Andrašovan is one of the composers who are, by their multilateral work, involved in Slovak national culture of the postwar period. His artistic encounters with musical folklore date from the establishment of the Lúčnica ensemble and its first trip to Romania. The dramaturgical orientation of this ensemble has set one of the fundamental approaches to the compositional processing of folk natures and originality of expression of folk singer and folk fiddlers (Detvianska veselica / Detva Festivity, Radvanský jarmok / Radvaň fair). While creating Lúčnica he enhanced the originality of folklore songs and dances, and for another ensemble SĽUK he composed monumental scenic images with dramatic emphasis using folklore tongue, as well as ideas of the revolutionary traditions of our nation (Svadba Eža Vlkolínskeho / The Wedding of Ežo Vlkolínsky, Povesti o hôrnych chlapcoch / Rumors of Mountain Boys and Jánošík). His artistic nature leans to the musical-dramatic rendering of literary masters. While his ballets convey profound human feelings, folklore tradition and progressive ideas, his operas displays social problems and criticism of petty bourgeoisie and folk optimism. The basic characteristics of Andrašovan's music are lyricism, tunefulness, folklore and communicability. As for genre, his compositions range from symphonic and vocal-symphonic through chamber, vocal to choral compositions and attest to the fact that Andrašovan not only knowingly made use of the rich resources of folklore and dance music while maintaining their tonal, ornamental character and distinctive harmonic thinking of individual localities of Slovakia, but in the choice of musical-expression resources he reached to extended tonality.”


(LABORECKÝ, Jozef: Tibor Andrašovan. In: 100 slovenských skladateľov. Ed. Marián Jurík, Peter Zagar. Bratislava: Národné hudobné centrum, 1998, p. 17 – 18)
